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Old books and brochures

OS/2 Warp for Dummies

Author: Andy Rathbone

OS/2 Warp Server books

Many OS/2 Warp Server books

Inside OS/2

Author: Peter Norton, Robert Lafore

Publisher: Brady
ISBN-13: 9780134678955
ISBN-10: 0134678958
Pages: 400
  Getting to Know OS/2 Warp 4

Александр Фролов, Григорий Фролов

ISBN: 5-86404-065-7 -- 272 страницы -- январь 1996 -- Диалог МИФИ

Операционная система OS/2 Warp. Том 20

Посвящена операционной системе IBM OS/2 Warp и предназначена как для пользователей, так и для программистов. В ней вы найдете все, необходимое для того, чтобы приступить к работе с этой операционной системой. Это описание принципов, положенных в основу IBM OS/2 Warp версии 3.0, процедуру установки, описание основных приемов работы с оболочкой Workplace Shell, реализующей объектно-ориентированный интерфейс пользователя, работа в среде IBM OS/2 Warp с программами DOS и приложениями Microsoft Windows. Мы также расскажем о приложениях, которые поставляются в составе IBM OS/2 Warp. Отдельная глава посвящена серверу IBM LAN Server 4.0 Advanced. Вы научитесь создавать локальную сеть на базе этого сервера, а также получать доступ из рабочей станции IBM OS/2 Warp к серверам Novell NetWare.


Using OS/2 Warp

Os/2 Warp Unleashed/Book and Cd Rom (Unleashed)

by David Moskowitz, David J. Kerr

OS/2 Version 3 Unleashed is the most comprehensive reference for OS/2 on the market. It was the only unanimous selection for OS/2 Magazine's 1994 Editor's Choice Awards. It is written by leading experts in the field--each lending their unique perspective on this complex operating system. The two CDs contain over one gigabyte of OS/2 software, demos, and shareware.

Paperback, 1205 pages Published January 26th 1995 by Sams Publishing (first published 1993)

ISBN 0672305453 (ISBN13: 9780672305450)

Review of book

Inside Os/2 Warp, Version 3/Book and Cd-Rom

Author: Mark Minasi, Bill Camarda, Bruce Hallberg, Cynthia Ross-Pedersen

Publisher: New Riders Publishing

Publication Date: 1994-12; Pages: 1104

ISBN #: 1562053787

EAN Code: 9781562053789

The only full featured tutorial reference for the OS/2 operating system in its latest revision, Inside OS/2 2.2 offers complete, step-by-step instructions for using OS/2 with enough illustrations to allow readers to visualize the use of the operating system. Includes tips for using OS/2 not covered ...

Using Os/2 Warp/the User-Friendly Reference: The User-Friendly Reference (Paperback)

1995 -- Bruce Hallberg

Inside OS/2

Gordon Letwin

Paperback: 302 pages
Publisher: Microsoft Press (February 1988)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1556151179
ISBN-13: 978-1556151170
Product Dimensions: 9 x 7.4 x 1 inches 
Официальное руководство по работе с системой OS/2 WARP

Авторы: Стегрей, Роджерс.


Indise OS/2 2.1 - The best Introduction and reference guide available

Author: Mark Minasi

The all-new and updated version of the industry's #1-selling OS/2 tutorial and reference! Contains extended coverage of advanced topics such as the new 32-bit graphics engine and enhanced Windows 3.1 compatibility. Command sequences and illustrations show how to use each command. Provides expanded coverage of the OS/2 Workplace Shell. Covers Versions 2 & 2.1. -- New Riders Pub.

Targeted at the experienced PC user, Inside OS/2 2.1, 3rd Ed. continues the tradition of excellence and accuracy attained by its predecessor, the bestselling OS/2 2, Special Ed. It covers all the new features that are expected in OS/2 2.1 and provides information not found in the product's documentation.

Paperback: 898 pages
Publisher: New Riders Publishing; 3 Sub edition (November 1993)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1562052063
ISBN-13: 978-1562052065
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.2 x 1.8 inches 
OS/2 2.1 Unleashed/Book and Disk

by David Moskowitz, David J. Kerr

ISBN 0672302403 (ISBN13: 9780672302404)

A new guide to OS/2 discusses how to make Windows, DOS, and OS/2 interoperate, while focusing on memory management concerns, networking, and customizing the operating system.

Hardcover, 1134 pages

Published March 15th 1993 by SAMS (first published 1993)

Mastering OS/2 Warp, The OS/2 Warp Bible

Peter Dyson

Navigating the Internet with OS/2 Warp

Herb Tyson

OS/2 Warp в вопросах и ответах




For dummies

Report: OS/2 compatible hardware


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