For developer:
(Пайпы программ) Companies:
(Бонусы) Advice:
(Барьеры и решения) Technologies:
(Применение в науке, лаборатории, ..)
New eComStation:
(Ссылки на другие сайты) (Картинка дня) OS/2 artefacts:
2020-01-26 16:17:10 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
Future versions of DevMan will show,
did you installed proper drivers for every device or not.
(in other words, is it possible accelerate work of video or
it works at maximal speed = is it necessary replace universal device
driver to accelerated or not)
Our experience with service of Windows users shows that
huge amount of Windows computers are configured not properly:
main drivers are not installed so computers work properly.
Of course, Windows has all means to fix this problems.
OS/2 will get the assistant in 2020 only.
DevMan Homepage
screenshot example:
- red vertical stripe -
the device doesn't have driver or wrong driver
- orange indicator - a driver is installed but it should be
replaced to accelerated one,
оранжевая вертикальная полосочка - драйвер стоит, но нужно
сменить его на более подходящий
- green stripe - optimal driver is installed
2020-01-22 02:22:10 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
eCo Software is interested research User Interface development for OS/2.
1) We have offered TouchPM concept several years ago with the goal
to update PM controls for compatibility with touch screens.
2) there were plans to change view of eCenter panel.
we are collecting ideas how to redesign it.
3) the main door to PM upgrade is eSchemes program.
we should select what tasks are the most important and real.
4) WPS Copy/Move dialog should be implemented.
this is must have function for new users.
So, to achieve some results in the next 5 monthes, we need some sponsor help.
NeoWPS subscription => Sponsor units
2020-01-22 01:49:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
OS/2 GURU published more reports about tested hardware
- modern motherboards
- USB Audio adapters
Database of hardware: http://os2.guru/hardware.php
What computer configuration is optimal for OS/2 in 2020?
- you don't need extreme NVidia video adapter
- no need in i9 and 64 Gb of RAM
- on the other side, it's stupid to run OS/2 on MMX and Pentium from 2004
OS/2 Benchmarks: http://os2.guru/sysbench
2020-01-16 00:29:09 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
Is it normal to change the constitution?
ops, what holy cow can be killed? and what cow is untouchable?
What sentence is correct when we discuss OS/2?
- Some parts of OS/2 are untouchable and can't be replaced
- OR any component, any feature of OS/2 can be changed?
(but what we get in final? )
Holy cows of OS/2 - Pro and Contra
2020-01-09 03:12:08 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
If your program was working in OS/2 Warp or eComStation,
test that it is compatible with ArcaOS:
- X-1: directory structure was changed.
example: system files are located in \sys now
- X-2:
some aux utilities are absent or are located in other place.
(example: pci.exe)
- X-3: USBCALLS: should work as early
(new apps compiled with ArcaOS,
may fail in old eComStation. let's test)
- X-4: if compiling XWP widget, then check X-1, X-2.
- X-5: ACPI dll, (help us with tests)
- X-7: the behavior of main drivers was changed 1) video: Panorama,
2) ACPI - test compatibility of your program with this drivers
- test the installer of your program
that it works without mistakes: X-1, X-2
2020-01-06 18:54:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
What do you expect to see and listen at the conference?
local site
- 1) ArcaNoae makes presentations every year
- 2) bitwiseworks makes reports every year
What do you expect? what you could do for the conference?
2020-01-04 01:44:17 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
We are collecting benchmark logs at
Let's analyze the results,
- No need to use expensive external video adapters.
Better use Intel integrated than NVidia external.
- (obviously) 4 cores is better than 2 cores
- (obviously) SSD is faster than HDD
- (obviously) New computers are faster than old
Let's collect other 30 reports to get more conclusions.
2020-01-03 21:00:11 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
// Killer application = popular application = locomotive application = application which
attracts attention of external users and makes them install OS/2 system.
Definition, examples
We are discussing this topic since 2001, we still don't have such program on OS/2 market.
The latest discussion gives one more conclusion:
we can't create large super Photoshop.
But we should discuss what 5 small / medium size programs
should be *developed* and *included* to the operating system DVD.
How are you going use PC in 2020? Order OS/2 popular application here.
2020-01-03 19:51:14 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
We confirm that the users don't have discounts when migrate from eComStation to ArcaOS.
ArcaOS is better than OS/2 Warp and eComStation, because works better on modern hardware:
2019-12-24 23:53:45 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
The OS/2 VOICE board is pleased to announce Warpstock Europe 2020. The event held in Europe where that you can visit to be informed about the latest developements regarding OS/2 and ArcaOS.
The event will be held in the youth hostel in Frankfurt Germany on Saturday 16 and Sunday the 17th of May 2020.
You can buy tickets here:
The 35 Euro's include coffee, tea and lunch.
(You can get a vegetarian Lunch).
Please note, there is no information yet on http://warpstock.eu about Warpstock Europe 2020! This will follow in the coming week.
A big thanks goes out to Thomas Lösel for volenteering to look for an event location!
FROM: Roderick Klein, President OS/2 VOICE foundation
2019-12-21 03:44:58 -- Igor Sapegin [os2.guru]
Igor Sapegin reported:
if USB controller is attached via PCIe then OS/2 doesn't detect USB.
If USB controller is attached via PCI - OS/2 can access it.
So, seems that it's necessary implement support of PCIe bus.
Seems that motherboards with USB 3.1 or Type 6 have USB attached via
PCIe and OS/2 doesn't detect USB.
2019-12-21 03:18:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
As you know, eCo Software have developed many
apps and drivers for OS/2 in the past.
We have accumulated a hundred of technical tasks for
development of new native apps.
Nobody knows what application is the most important.
We should develop different programs in parallel to
bring life to OS/2 again.
You can invest into the development:
- Device Manager -
General utility to setup system after installation, check the state of the devices.
New versions are coming soon..
Example, 10 USD
- LIP Multi-language packages -
packages aimed to translate english ArcaOS to your native language
(German, Finnish, Spanish, etc) , Example: 15 USD
- Small modern graphics utilities
2019-12-18 12:56:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
Topic which we are discussing since 2006: How to spend OS budget?
- it's clear that web-browser porting is an important project.
But keep in mind that *ported* web-browser doesn't attract
new users to OS/2.
On the other side, the availability of modern web-browser
is the main requirement to keep existing users alive.
- What do you recommend?
spend all resources to 1 huge program or invest into dozen of medium size apps?
As we discussed before, there are 5 divisions in the OS:
1) drivers 20%, 2) utilities 20%,
3) Applications 20%,
4) installer 20%,
5) ads 20%
More detailed view at 3) Applications:
for example, 1/10 could be spend to Firefox porting.
other 9/10 are invested inoto 5 medium size apps to extend OS/2 market
or improve usage of OS/2 for SOHO tasks.
2019-12-15 23:14:50 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
The user have many questions:
- If you should assemble super fast computer,
is it necessary select the best CPU?
- What configuration is weak and slow in OS/2?
- What computer is good, doesn't freeze?
- Is it necessary buy the latest i7? or you can stay with Core 2 Duo?
Let's collect reports generated by sysbench
and make conclusions based on the statistics.
If you want play the game:
- Download sysbench
- start sysbench, select: All tests
- Wait (5 - 10 minutes), don't start apps
- save the report to 20191225.txt
- send the report and notes to email: eg at ecomstation dot ru
- Please add:
- a) Model of motherboard / laptop / brand PC
- b) CPU? how many cores do you see at Pulse?
- b) Model of video card, what driver: SNAP or Panorama?
- d) model of HDD / SSD:
We will collect the results at the site:
2019-12-14 01:51:09 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]
We can't recall if OS/2 users were discussing upgrade of Core 2 Duo to
Xeon processors. Installation of Xeon LGA771 to LGA775 socket.
Seems that this topic was popular in the Internet since 2014.
Imagine that you upgrade CPU with 2 cores and cache 2 Mb
to *servre* CPU with 4 cores and 12 Mb cache. Of course,
your computer should work faster. Check Xeon E5430
So, reminder:
If you have motherboard with Core 2 Duo
(LGA775), with support of 1333, 1600, then you can install
Quad Xeon CPU (LGA771).
Of course, you should make some efforts:
update bios from CD + cut the socket + attach small converter to cpu.
ATTENTION: Send us the comparison: Before and After
- use sysbench. collect All tests before and After upgrade
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IBM OS/2 Warp