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OS/2 - did you installed proper drivers?

2020-01-26 16:17:10 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

Future versions of DevMan will show, did you installed proper drivers for every device or not. (in other words, is it possible accelerate work of video or it works at maximal speed = is it necessary replace universal device driver to accelerated or not)

Our experience with service of Windows users shows that huge amount of Windows computers are configured not properly: main drivers are not installed so computers work properly. Of course, Windows has all means to fix this problems. OS/2 will get the assistant in 2020 only.

DevMan Homepage

screenshot example:

  • red vertical stripe - the device doesn't have driver or wrong driver
  • orange indicator - a driver is installed but it should be replaced to accelerated one, оранжевая вертикальная полосочка - драйвер стоит, но нужно сменить его на более подходящий
  • green stripe - optimal driver is installed

Warpstock Europe 2020 conference

2020-01-06 18:54:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

What do you expect to see and listen at the conference?

local site

  • 1) ArcaNoae makes presentations every year
  • 2) bitwiseworks makes reports every year

What do you expect? what you could do for the conference?

OS/2 2020: Killer application

2020-01-03 21:00:11 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

// Killer application = popular application = locomotive application = application which attracts attention of external users and makes them install OS/2 system. Definition, examples

We are discussing this topic since 2001, we still don't have such program on OS/2 market.

The latest discussion gives one more conclusion: we can't create large super Photoshop. But we should discuss what 5 small / medium size programs should be *developed* and *included* to the operating system DVD.

How are you going use PC in 2020? Order OS/2 popular application here.

OS/2 2020: Firefox only or 10 other apps?

2019-12-18 12:56:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

Topic which we are discussing since 2006: How to spend OS budget?

  • it's clear that web-browser porting is an important project. But keep in mind that *ported* web-browser doesn't attract new users to OS/2. On the other side, the availability of modern web-browser is the main requirement to keep existing users alive.
  • What do you recommend? spend all resources to 1 huge program or invest into dozen of medium size apps?

As we discussed before, there are 5 divisions in the OS: 1) drivers 20%, 2) utilities 20%, 3) Applications 20%, 4) installer 20%, 5) ads 20%

More detailed view at 3) Applications: for example, 1/10 could be spend to Firefox porting. other 9/10 are invested inoto 5 medium size apps to extend OS/2 market or improve usage of OS/2 for SOHO tasks.

Warcraft2 doesn't work in OS/2

2019-12-11 19:02:07 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

Does Warcraft2 work on your PC? Warcraft2 download Do the troubles depend on version of OS/2?

    PC A:
    • Core 2 Duo, Intel mb
    • ArcaOS 5.0.4
    • Panorama
    • Core 2 Duo / 3GB
    • uconfig: Generic VGA / 256Kb / 8 bit / [ ]
    • no warcraft2 patches installed
    • no changes to DOS params. test 2: changed some params

    => crashes PC B: (home)

    • i5 gen2 / ThinkCentre
    • ArcaOS 5.0.3
    • Panorama
    • i5, Gen 2 / 4GB
    • uconfig: Generic VGA / 256Kb / 8 bit / [ ]
    • no changes to DOS params
    • no warcraft2 patches installed

    => Warcraft 2 works

1) Seems that DOS/4GW is integrated to war2.exe

OS/2 2020: What application do you need?

2019-12-08 02:14:23 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

What application (utility) do you need in next few monthes (winter/spring)? (you can request 5 apps) What application will allow you automate some processes? and economize efforts / earn money?

Remember the history of eComStation in 2000 and 2001: It will be smart to order the development in Russia/Ukraine. The developers in this countries have high technical skills and will "work for food".

Sunny icons: Computer

2019-09-04 10:18:03 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

You can see the icon of Computer after installation of Sunny icons:

What does it mean? The computer is showed as "green brain" (green substance) inside blue egg (because ArcaOS and eComStation have blue logos).

Device Manager for OS/2

2019-05-11 03:37:00 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

Homepage: http://os2.guru/devman

What do you think,

  • How to improve Device Manager?
  • Does it detect USB Audio adapters? Send us corrections
  • What system information do you expect from DevMan?

ArcaOS - includes modern Firefox

2019-04-29 12:45:47 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

One of the arguments why you should upgrade to ArcaOS, it contains firefox 38. and you can update it to firefox 45.

it's impossible start firefox 38 and 45 in previous versions of eCS, OS/2 Warp. (many people made efforts but failed because it's impossible select needed libraries).

The users ask about Firefox 38:

  • Firefox 38: after ArcaOS installation you can use youtube and play videos. In several minutes / hours it stops playing. How to use youtube with Firefox 38?
  • You can't print from Firefox. So you should generate pdf files (and print PDF from PDF viewer). Question: how to improve quality of the PDF files? increase dpi? by default you get 150 dpi and text documents have poor quality.
  • Firefox 38 crashes often. How to increase stability?


2019-03-25 01:10:31 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

How to enter into AVITO profile from OS/2? reCAPTCHA doesn't work with Firefox 38 so you can't login.

  • Main secret - reCAPTCHA is not used for some Android devices
  • change user agent to
    Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Focus/1.0 Chrome/59.0.3029.83 Mobile Safari/537.36
  • remove cookies related to AVITO
  • select Add item. so you can see simplified Login dialog. without reCAPTCHA
  • now you are logged to the site
  • change user agent to
    Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; Warp 4.5; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0

Share your experience how to use other services and bank sites from OS/2.

OS/2 and Android interaction

2019-03-10 11:46:59 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

How do you exchange data with Android smartphone? Interaction of OS/2 and Android.

Upgrade ArcaOS apps

2019-01-15 03:45:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCo Software]

Upgrade ArcaTool to Zippy,

Upgrade DVD Tools to DVD Toys
(btw, to use USB DVD Multi burner, install cdrtools from DVD Toys homepage)

eSchemes 2.01.00 are released

2019-01-13 19:38:05 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCo Software]

eCo Software released eSchemes WPS extender. It was fully re-written and debugged. eSchemes allows you apply schemes and change colors of windows, buttons and other graphical UI elements.

The package includes 44 schemes (OS/2 Warp 3 appearence, WinXP, etc).


Device Manager updated

2018-11-28 13:15:55 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

Several weeks ago we have updated Device Manager for OS/2. Smart utility which shows information about hardware devices.


For developers: if you have useful code aimed to detect devices (Serial port, cameras, RAID controllers..) then you can share this code with us (we will mention your participation on the site)

For users: Send us short messages via the utility to improve output

  • The models of devices are not decoded sometimes.
  • name of manufacturer can be simplified.

If you look at Windows experience. Embedded Device manager is the main tool to setup re-installed Windows system. The utility informs what devices don't have drivers or work with troubles. Step by step, every user can resolve the troubles by himself.

Warcraft 2 via network

2018-11-15 14:16:34 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

People install OS/2 to play DOS games.

Let's write the article "How to configure Warcraft 2 for network game"

Add comments if you know tricks and tips.

OS/2 + Android

2018-02-05 02:27:58 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

Misc questions from users:

  • How to upload ringtone to smartphone from OS/2?
  • how to send SMS from PC via Android smartphone?
  • how to clean directories on Android phone from OS/2 (via ftp)?
  • what is the target directory for wallpapers? so smartphone detects this pictures?
  • how to dump sms messages using OS/2?

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