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eComStation.RU - tons of joy

2012-04-07 14:05:21 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What can you find on eComStation.RU site?

  • All news related to eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp since 2001. Every message (may have) has comments so it works like local mini-forum.
  • All reviews and articles about eCS and apps since 2001.
  • Announcements of software updates - in separate APeCS database
  • Many pages are related to the history of eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp.
  • Here is additional forum forum.ecomstation.ru
  • The lists of tested hardware
  • There are many pages with software projects
  • Polls to collect the statistics
  • Additional site with video clips: eComStation.TV
  • eCo Shop - the catalogue of software (RUB)
  • Web-site for developers -- DevCon
  • eCo Shop - ThinkPad notebooks for eComStation users (RUB)
  • Frequently asked questions and answers -- FAQ

We add additional information to the sites every hour. You can stop us!

eComStation.RU - is the second site related to eComStation/OS/2 Warp (by qty of visitors). eComStation.RU - is the largest storage of knowledge about eComStation and OS/2.


What are the plans for 2012? The external view is changing, 30 sub-pages should be created.

We are ready share our success. You can publish reviews/articles on the site.

Sponsor units. If you want support the site - insert a coin into your floppy drive (look at the top left corner of the site).

Competition for the best review of eCS 2.0

2010-08-17 22:35:57 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.RU is ready to publish reviews of eCS 2.0. It's not enough to review the installer, please demonstrate new features of the operating system, which applications to install? How to configure peripheral devices? How to lift User Interface?

Let's teach new users what to do after eCS installation.

Happy Birthday eComStation.RU !

2009-07-25 03:54:22 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Yohoooo! We celebrate eComStation.RU 8th birthday online.

Every news message at ecomstation.ru - it's a reply to one user (customer), every article, every sub-site it's a reply to the questions of a group of users.

What to remember?

  • How the site was found? There was a small catalogue with 5 programs. Later we analyzed BeOS sites and used the best ideas.
  • We are working every day, every week. News are published (invented / translated) in the nights, on week-ends and delivered to the users asap. As result, the "world of eComStation" was created, the market was found.
  • ecomstation.ru - is one of the largest sites related to eComStation (OS/2 Warp). Multilanguage.. Quantity of articles: ~200. Visitors per day: more than 600. More than 1600 news messages, more than 1700 reports of hardware. more than 1100 cards with description of applications. More than 50 sub-sites (web-pages).


  • Improve APeCS database (catalogue of software)
  • Release 20 sub-sites. 5 should be releases during 2009.
  • Improve the description of eComStation operating system.

Your participation:

  • Distribute references to ecomstation.ru among other PC/software sites
  • We can host the homepage of your project on ecomstation.ru

We forgot to invite clowns, pay for beer and salute. Let's make some useful work: share your opinion "Why do you use eComStation? What are the advantages of eComStation?" (don't forget, it's 2009 now) Post your minds in the comments of this message.

Contact web-master

Reviews, overviews, roadmaps

2008-01-06 14:32:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

ecomstation.ru published 10 reviews on english language in the last 12 monthes:

www.os2voice.org published a dozen of articles too May issue, February issue

If you are interested in eComStation then analyze your interests and plans, write reviews of software, share drafts with other users, help to the developer of your favorite application.

Ask a question to Mensys

2006-05-26 17:37:33 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Mensys BV is a famous dutch company responsible for eComStation releases.

We are going interview eComStation department of this company. Do you have questions to Mensys? Let's gather important and interesting questions.

Post your question and name via e-mail: support at ecomstation dot ru or the web-form

An equal member of the community

2006-01-30 02:15:43 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

People select an operating system by software which runs in it. More applications - more users are using the OS.

If you are interested in the development of eComStation, write more applications for it.

One more important task is writing of software reviews. Every new review attracts news users and causes new sellings of product (necessary condition for release of new versions)

For example, you can write an overview of:

  • Maul Publisher
  • Serenity Virtual Station
  • PMDownloader
  • InJoy Firewall
  • Weasel
  • Pixel
  • NetDrive
  • PMView
  • Personal Cards Manager
  • T&V HappyPlayer, CoolFM
  • ..

New articles on the site

2005-02-13 15:30:02 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The www.ecomstation.ru site has the richest collection of articles related to eComStation and OS/2 on russian language.

We invite readers publish more articles on the site (any language).

Popular types of articles:

  • Interview with famous developer or businessman -- discussion of important event or new software product.

    Makes readers work better (causes competition).

  • Advertisement flyer for "Solutions based on eComStation" - contains flyer of your software/hardware plus one-two paragraphs about eCS (OS/2) - why this OS? what are the advantages?

    The most effective way to advertise product among users and potential cutomers.

  • Overview of application - tutorial, describes coupling with other software, comparisons, examples of usage;

    Increases sellings of product, increases users population.

  • Overview of system component or API - tutorial for developers.

    Causes creation of new software.

Russian VOICE Newsletter

2004-03-09 17:16:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Walter Metcalf (president of VOICE) invites active russian developers and users participate in creation of russian edition of VOICE Newsletter.

Such collaboration will increase quantity of articles on russian language and quantity of articles on english (and german) languages. This may lift the OS/2 community on the next level of interaction!

The pipeline of Newsletter creation is well organized and efficient, so translators don't lose time.

Contacts: walter dot os2 dog rogers dot com

The threat to the open site

2004-03-09 16:39:10 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

www.ecomstation.ru site is working in open mode. Every visitor is free to keep his comment in the news stripe, articles, forums and reference books.

There is a negative effect in this principle of open site. Wreckers attack the authors of articles & news, use FUD and criticise active users without a reason.


  • Don't clear yourself before wreckers;
  • Ignore any insulting;
  • Ignore messages published by anonymous;
  • Ignore languid users which are using ":-(" or ":-(("

Good news:

  • Quantity of visitors exceeds 600-1000/day
  • Quantity of published news exceeds 1000, quantity of articles exceeds 100
  • The queue contains more than 10 articles

Your voice on eComStation.Ru site

2003-10-06 03:06:31 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.Ru is a "container" for news, generated by users and companies. If you want to see fresh information on the site then it's enough create/find one message/article/program per year.

We are interested to accept from you:

Collaboration with web-developer

2003-08-25 17:11:38 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.Ru site is searching for "russian" os/2 web-developer. We are planning to implement:

  • Update static information on the site;
  • Create additional reference books;
  • Design homepages for software products;

Contacts: support@ecomstation.ru

APeCS report

2003-08-16 13:14:02 -- APeCS Bot [eComStation.Ru]

Latest changes in APeCS database (34 programs updated) :

  • socksd by nickk is updated to 2.2.4
    Native multithreaded socksd server with built-in TCP/UDP portmaps . . .

  • Links by - is updated to 0.99pre8
    Links is a text-mode web-browser. . . .

  • JPhotoBrush Pro by Tanveer Rameez is updated to 1.1
    JPhotoBrush Pro is an Award Winning Multi-Platform Image Editing/ Enhancement/ Retouch Application written in Java providing various filters, effects and transformation with user friendly interface . . .

  • CDRWSEL by Dodin is updated to V2.10.x
    GUI to use RSJ command line possibilities (Design updated and new functions added) . . .

  • wxWindows by - is updated to 2.4.1
    wxWindows is most intresting cross-platform GUI C/C++ open-source library . . .

  • CommuniGate Pro by Stalker Software Inc. is updated to 4.1
    The leading high-end Internet Messaging platform, CommuniGate Pro has set a new industry standard in scalability and reliability . . .

  • ASSP by jhanna is updated to 0.3.1
    The Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy (ASSP) Server project aims to create an open source platform-independent SMTP Proxy server which implements whitelists and Bayesian filtering to rid the planet of the blight of unsolicited email (UCE). . . .

  • MagicDraw UML by NoMagic Inc. is updated to 7.0
    MagicDraw is the UML modeling tool written in pure Java . . .

  • The Love Calculator by Doctor Love is updated to 1.02
    Love Calculator . . .

  • Shisen/2 by Juergen and Uwe aus dem Moore is updated to 1.31
    Shisen is a popular japanese board game . . .

  • Java2 Standart Edition by Golden Code is updated to 1.4.1_03
    The Golden Code Run Time Environment (RTE) and Software Development Kit (SDK) for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE Platform) is a licensed and branded, native port of Sun Microsystem's latest Java technology to OS/2 . . .

  • Crown of Might by Uwe & Juergen aus dem Moore is updated to 1.06
    CROWN OF MIGHT is set in Medieval England . . .

  • Tame/2 by Goran Ivankovic is updated to 0.9.8 update 1
    Tame/2 should keep the promise of easy scanner access so it consists of a database with the specific settings for the scanners supported by SANE . . .

  • Apache by Brian Havard is updated to 1.3.28
    OS/2 version of famous apache web-server. . . .

  • Mozilla by Mozilla Team is updated to 1.5 a
    Warpzilla is an OS/2 port of most powerfull multiplatform internet suite . . .

  • JRescuer by Pavel Shtemenko is updated to -
    Can rescue files from damaged JFS volume even from volumes, which cannot be mounted . . .

  • OS/2 APM by IBM is updated to -
    This software package provides IBM's most current support for: * Intel's SpeedStep technology for IBM ThinkPad T2x and T30 systems * Intel's Enhanced SpeedStep technology for IBM ThinkPad T40 systems The following IBM OS/2 operating system versions support the SpeedStep and Enhanced SpeedStep technologies, when the appropriate OS/2 FixPaks and device-driver support are applied . . .

  • InnoTek Font Engine for OS/2 by Innotek is updated to 1.00
    The InnoTek Font Engine for OS/2 (powered by Freetype 2) is a port of the Freetype 2 font engine to the OS/2 Warp platform which provides a tight integration with the OS/2 graphics subsystem . . .

  • Rename Enhancer by Alexander Tebenihin is updated to 0.1.5
    Batch renaming a group of files. . . .

  • NICPAK by Chuck McKinnis is updated to 2003.07.29 build
    The NICPAK package is a collection of various NIC (Network Interface Card) drivers and a tool for detecting and installing them . . .

  • OS/2 Kit for Acrobat Reader by Innotek is updated to 4.05
    OS/2 Kit for Acrobat Reader is a software package designed to address the needs of enterprises still running the IBM OS/2 platform while requiring access to the latest PDF electronic document technology from Adobe Systems. . . .

  • Thunderbird by - is updated to 0.1
    Mozilla Thunderbird is a redesign of the Mozilla mail component . . .

  • Firebird by - is updated to 0.6.1
    Mozilla Firebird is a speedy, full-featured browser that makes browsing more efficient than ever before . . .

  • Win32Prn by Vit Timchishin is updated to 0.9.2a
    The project allows using Windows 2000 printer drivers with Odin . . .

  • PMView Pro by Peter Nielsen is updated to 3.02
    Powerfull graphics viewer for OS/2, Windows . . .

  • DFSee by Jan van Wijk is updated to 5.25
    Display File Systems (DFSee) is a generic partition and filesystem browser/analyser . . .

  • NewView by Aaron Lawrence is updated to 2.6.4
    NewView is a replacement for View.exe, the original OS/2 help viewer . . .

  • WordWrap by Don Eitner is updated to 1.41
    WordWrap cleans up text files either as single-line paragraphs or word wrapped to a specified margin . . .

  • UniAud/2 by vladest is updated to build 20030807
    UniAud/2 is based on the GPL ALSA Project from Linux . . .

  • Password Manager by Ramesh Natarajan is updated to V3.0 Build 2
    Password Manager stores passwords and other sensitive information in a safe place . . .

  • eBayWatch/2 by Ken Kirchner is updated to 1.09m
    eBayWatch/2 is an auction management tool for OS/2 users . . .

  • DrWeb Daemon and Sendmail Filter for OS/2 by Igor Daniloff's antivirus Lab. is updated to 4.29
    DrWeb Sendmail Filter is able to scan mails that comes thru SMTP server . . .

  • PM Downloader by Eugene Romanenko is updated to 0.8.7
    PM Downloader is the advanced interactive multithreaded network retriever for OS/2 & eCS Presentation Manager supporting HTTP and FTP protocols for downloading files . . .

  • OpenWatcom by SciTech Software Inc is updated to 1.1 RC1
    OpenWatcom is an freeware successor for famous Watcom compiler suite . . .


2003-07-24 00:10:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The site is being migrating to new OS/2 web server and we invite you join testing of web-software/2 stability.

  • new site is located here:
  • Test1: visit the ip from all your computers simultaneously;
  • Test2: perform search of a long string (from all computers simultaneously);
  • Test3: open any news message or article, type comment and simultaneously press "Send" button.

If you find any damages then send a message to our robot.

APeCS report

2003-07-18 19:12:28 -- APeCS Bot [eComStation.Ru]

Latest changes in APeCS database (26 programs updated) :

  • RamFS by Andrew Belov is updated to 1.10
    RAMFS is a "remote file system" (as opposed to a "local file system") meaning that it isn't associated with a hard disk partition . . .

  • JAlbum by David Ekholm is updated to 3.4
    Web photo album generator . . .

  • OS/2 Kit for Acrobat Reader by Innotek is updated to 4.05 RC4
    OS/2 Kit for Acrobat Reader is a software package designed to address the needs of enterprises still running the IBM OS/2 platform while requiring access to the latest PDF electronic document technology from Adobe Systems. . . .

  • InnoTek Font Engine for OS/2 by Innotek is updated to Technology Preview 2
    The InnoTek Font Engine for OS/2 (powered by Freetype 2) is a port of the Freetype 2 font engine to the OS/2 Warp platform which provides a tight integration with the OS/2 graphics subsystem . . .

  • BIEW by Nick Kurshev is updated to 5.5.0
    BIEW- is a free, portable, advanced file viewer with built-in editor for binary, hexadecimal and disassembler modes . . .

  • USB Basic Device Support by IBM is updated to -
    The USB Basic Device Support Package provides the basic OS/2 support required for USB devices that meets the USB 1.0 OHCI, USB 1.1 UHCI, or USB 2.0 EHCI specifications . . .

  • Styler/2 by Alessandro Cantatore is updated to 1.70
    Styler/2 is an user interface enhancer for OS/2 Warp 3 and 4 . . .

  • DOS Navigator Open Source Project by DN team is updated to beta 12 build 20030620
    DNOSP is a successor of well known DOS Navigator file manager . . .

  • Electronic Teller by Paul Caron is updated to 4.20
    Although Electronic Teller is not intended to replace some of the big-name financial applications available for other platforms and environments, it does promise to help manage personal day-to-day fiscal affairs on the OS/2 platform . . .

  • PDE by PDE Team is updated to 0.04
    PDE is Polumukh Desktop Envriroment . . .

  • OS/2 Kit For Java by Innotek is updated to 1.4.2 beta 1
    OS/2 Kit for Java is a software package designed to address the needs of enterprises still running the IBM OS/2 platform while requiring access to the latest Java technology from Sun Microsystems . . .

  • Mozilla (release) by Mozilla Team is updated to 1.4
    Warpzilla is an OS/2 port of most powerfull multiplatform internet suite . . .

  • jSyncManager by Brad BARCLAY is updated to 3.0 alpha 2
    The jSyncManager is a open source, Java implementation of a HotSync-compatible protocol stack, set of data abstraction objects, development tools, and applications allowing developers and end-users to synchronize Palm devices with any Java based system . . .

  • Rename Enhancer by Alexander Tebenihin is updated to 0.1.2
    Batch renaming a group of files. . . .

  • PMSheet by Jasper de Keijzer is updated to -
    PMSheet is a file-explorer like program which shows at the right a tree and at the left the images in the selected folder . . .

  • Apache HTTP Server by The Apache Software Foundation is updated to 2.0.47
    Apache has been the most popular web server on the Internet since April of 1996 . . .

  • eBayWatch/2 by Ken Kirchner is updated to 1.09k
    eBayWatch/2 is an auction management tool for OS/2 users . . .

  • CW-Multimedia classes by Chris Wohlgemuth is updated to 0.2.6
    The package is now (as of V0.2.3) a complete replacement for the multimedia classes coming with MMOS2 . . .

  • Tame/2 by Goran Ivankovic is updated to 0.9.8
    Tame/2 should keep the promise of easy scanner access so it consists of a database with the specific settings for the scanners supported by SANE . . .

  • FAT32 filesystem driver by NetLabs is updated to 0.95b
    FAT32 is a "new" filessystem based on FAT-technology. . . .

  • phpMyAdmin by - is updated to 2.5.2 rc 1
    phpMyAdmin is intended to handle the adminstration of MySQL over the web . . .

  • UpdCD by Zsolt Kadar is updated to 2.35
    With UpdCD you can incorporate public IBM fixpaks into your installation CD . . .

  • Amouse by Noller&Breining Software is updated to 2.5 beta (updated version: July, 13th 2003)
    This is alternate mouse driver . . .

  • Lame by - is updated to 3.93.1
    Fast and very high quality mp3 encoder . . .

  • Win32Prn by Vit Timchishin is updated to 0.9.1 Alpha c
    The project allows using Windows 2000 printer drivers with Odin. . . .

  • DragText by Rich Walsh is updated to 3.8
    a distinctly different desktop enhancement. . . .

APeCS report

2003-06-30 12:08:59 -- APeCS Bot [eComStation.Ru]

Latest changes in APeCS database (11 programs updated) :

  • DFSee by Jan van Wijk is updated to 5.23
    Display File Systems (DFSee) is a generic partition and filesystem browser/analyser . . .

  • JCW/2 by Serg Kopalin is updated to 1.1
    This program is designed for creation and solving japanese and trditional crosswords . . .

  • tavrasm by Tom Mortensen is updated to 1.18
    Macroassembler for AVR-series of microcontrollers . . .

  • CooLFM by eCo Software is updated to 2.0 beta 10
    USB, PCI, ISA fm-tuners driver, events manager, transmissions recorder . . .

  • CDRWSEL by DODIN is updated to V2.0.1
    GUI to attach multiple CDRW at the same time (Smaller main menu available) . . .

  • SNAP by SciTech is updated to 2.2.0
    SciTech SNAP (System Neutral Access Protocol) will change the way you look at device support forever . . .

  • Web/2 by dink is updated to 1.3x beta 4
    fast, small and feature-packed web-server . . .

  • Shisen/2 by Juergen and Uwe aus dem Moore is updated to 1.3
    Shisen is a popular japanese board game . . .

  • RSJ CD Writer by RSJ Software is updated to 5.02
    CD Writing Tool . . .

  • WPS Wizard by Chris Wohlgemuth is updated to 0.4.0
    WPS-Wizard is an addon for the WPS which gives you freely configurable context menus for all filesystem objects . . .

  • BubblePad by Chris Wohlgemuth is updated to 1.05
    Bubblepad is a replacement class for the Launchpad of OS/2 Warp 3 and above . . .

APeCS database

2003-06-26 10:05:13 -- Deniska [eComStation.Ru]

There were some troubles with APeCS - software database. This troubles were due to some technical problems on our site.

As for now, database is restored from backup, but latest changes are lost. Restoring of this information highly depends on users' activity.

We hope, that together we will be able to keep actual information in this database.

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